August 19, 2018 was the expected due date for Tamara Charles’ first baby boy. When her water broke a full week before her expected due date, she was unaware that she was beginning 31 hours of labor.
When Tamara found out she was pregnant, she was searching for a new OBGYN. She found the Women’s Specialists of Plano online and gave them a call. Dr. Baghdassarian had availability. “I saw Dr. Baghdassarian for all of my prenatal visits. I felt extremely comfortable with him. Since this was my first pregnancy, everything was new. He did a wonderful job explaining every step of the process.”
Tamara’s pregnancy was very seamless. She did not have any issues during the 9-month pregnancy. “My water broke a full week before my expected due date,” said Tamara. “I was very surprised when my water broke sooner than planned.” Tamara was admitted to the hospital at 8 AM on Friday morning. “My first thought was that Dr. Baghdassarian would not be on call and he would not be the doctor who would deliver my baby. It was important for me to have him there since he already knew everything about me and my pregnancy.”
Once admitted to the hospital, Tamara did not start having contractions. To induce labor, Tamara was given oxytocin to help induce contractions. Oxytocin is a synthetic form of the hormone that the body produces naturally during labor. Dr. Baghdassarian went to the hospital to see Tamara in the afternoon on Friday. Dr. Baghdassarian told Tamara they would wait over night to see how she progresses.
8 AM on Saturday morning marked 24-hours since Tamara’s water broke. It was time to get her baby boy out. Dr. Baghdassarian came to the hospital on Saturday morning. Tamara started pushing at 11 AM. She pushed from 11 AM to 1 PM. Tamara’s pelvic bones were too narrow and the baby was not receiving enough oxygen. Dr. Baghdassarian decided it was time for a cesarean section. “I was not prepared at all for a C-section,” said Tamara. “All the preparation and labor classes I took prepared me for a natural birth. I was really scared, but I trusted Dr. Baghdassarian and was ready to get my baby boy out.”
The C-section went smoothly, and healthy baby Tristan was born at 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21.25 inches long. “After the 31 hours of labor all I wanted was some water, since they would not allow me to eat or drink during the whole labor,” said Tamara. “What I appreciated the most about Dr. Baghdassarian’s style of care was that he came in and checked on me several times over the 31-hour process. He assured me that he would be the one who would deliver my baby. I really appreciated that.”

While clinical studies support the effectiveness of these procedures, individual results may vary. There are no guarantees of outcome. All surgeries involve the risk of major complications. Before you decide on surgery, discuss treatment options with your doctor. Understanding the risks of each treatment can help you make the best decision for your individual situation. Always ask your doctor about all treatment options, as well as their risks and benefits. Only your doctor can determine the appropriate treatment for your situation. The clinical information and opinions, including any inaccuracies expressed in this material by patients or doctor are not necessarily those of the Women’s Specialists of Plano and should not be considered as substitute for medical advice provided by your doctor.