Robotic Myomectomy Surgeons

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. The robotic hysterectomy surgeons at the Women’s Specialists of Plano offer minimally invasive hysterectomy options for patients in Plano. da Vinci robotic hysterectomy is performed using the da Vinci Surgical System, which enables surgeons to perform with unmatched precision and control – using only a few small incisions.
Robotic Myomectomy Overview
The best treatment option available in the Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas area if you are searching for the most effective but least invasive treatment for uterine fibroids is a robotic myomectomy. This uterine fibroid treatment performed with the assistance of the da Vinci robotic surgery system allows a Women’s Specialists of Plano surgeon to perform a delicate procedure with unsurpassed benefits that both surgeon and patient can appreciate. The da Vinci surgical system provides the surgeon an alternative to both traditional open myomectomy and conventional laparoscopic myomectomy, thus allowing the surgeon to perform surgery through smaller incisions which dramatically enhances visualization and precision in the surgical field.
Patient benefits may include:
- Reduced hospital stay
- Opportunity for future pregnancy
- Minimal scarring
- Less blood loss
- Faster return to normal activities
As pioneers adopting the da Vinci robotic surgery method, the Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas physicians at Women’s Specialists of Plano are skillfully trained to perform a robotic myomectomy as a uterine fibroid treatment. For more information on this technology, please contact our office today.
Instructions for Before and After Robotic Myomectomy Surgery
Robotic Myomectomy Video
In the following video, Dr. Elizabeth Coronado demonstrates the best technique, safety steps and benefits for removing fibroid tumors robotically. She uses the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery technique.
Important safety steps to follow include:
- Medication before and after surgery
- IV during surgery that helps minimize bleeding
- MRI prior to surgery to identify the size, shape and location of the fibroids
- “Pearls on a string”: The technique of sewing the removed fibroids on a string prior to removal so that none are left behind.
Dr. Coronado prefers this technique, especially for women of child-bearing age who have fibroid tumors. Careful steps are taken to ensure the health of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes so that women are able to carry children safely afterward.